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Remember when you were a kid and you had no worries?  Remember when you played outside in the summer sun not worrying about sunscreen and skin cancer?  Do you remember laying in the grass watching the clouds pass without worrying about tics and lyme disease?  Remember when you enjoyed ice pops without thinking about food dyes and your sugar intake?  What happened to the good old days?

I am not sure when it happened but we have become a society the breeds fear!  Fear is the foundation of negativity.  We live in fear and we are constantly bombarded with negativity.  We are living in a world of joblessness, homelessness and uncertainty.  A failing government, school system, health care system and on and on and on.  We buy health insurance awaiting illness, car insurance awaiting a car accident, etc.  It seems almost impossible to rid yourself of the fear and negativity.  We sacrifice our happiness for the pursuit of material things that in the end bring us no peace, no stability and no satisfaction.  We allow trauma and drama to overtake our lives.  Where does it end?  How do you survive?  How do you stay positive and live a fulfilling life?  The truth of the matter is there is only ONE thing that you are ALWAYS in control of!  Can you guess what it is?  It is the one thing you don’t have to pay for, the one thing NO ONE can take away from you, the one thing you can change in a moments notice….it is your ATTITUDE!

It seems to me that everyone seems to think that they are the only one doing “something wrong”.  The truth is the majority of people will at some point experience illness, relationship breakups, job loss and at some point we will all lose a loved one.  There is no way to avoid these things.  They are a part of life.   So how DO you survive?  How DO you change it around?  Here are a few tips to stay in the positive, take back your power and change your life:

Remember you are not alone
So many people think they are all alone, they are being punished for something or they are just not deserving of having peace and happiness in their lives.  You are not alone.  We ALL feel this way at different points in our lives.  You are not being punished, you are not a failure, you ARE deserving! We came down here to learn lessons and have experiences to advance our soul.  Let’s be honest, some of those lessons are hard and some of those experiences truly suck.  We don’t always understand them BUT we can always move beyond them with the right attitude.

This too shall pass
Nothing last forever and that includes hurt, loss, pain, etc.  We need to give ourselves time to feel the anger, resentment, hurt, pain and loss.  We need to allow ourselves to process our emotions.  However, we do not need to get stuck in it forever.  That is NOT why we came down here.  Suffering is a choice.  Happiness is a choice.  Only you can choose what you will and will not allow to effect you.

Do not allow your circumstances to effect your experiences
What defines you?  Are you any less of a wonderful person if you do not have that wonderful job anymore?  Are you any less of a beautiful soul if someone you love has hurt you?  You need to look deep within to really see what truly defines you as a person.  You need to be willing to let go of needing everything to be perfect for you to be truly happy.  Life is not perfect, you are not perfect. If we were all perfect life would be pretty darn boring!  We all have strengths and weaknesses. We are all “works in progress”.  When you realize that your happiness truly comes from within then you will no longer be effected by what is going on around you.

Surround yourself with positive people, places and experiences
Isn’t it amazing how a sunny day always makes you feel better.  Isn’t it amazing how a call from a loving and caring friend can make your whole day turn around. Isn’t it amazing how a simple picnic in the park can clear your mind and inspire your soul.  The good news is positivity is as contagious as negativity.  If you need to get out of the negativity simple surround yourself with positivity!

I know I have told this story before but I think it is worth repeating.  Very early on in my life as a “psychic” I had an Aura Photography reading done.  I remember the man looking at my photo and saying, “OH!”…and not in a good way.  He went on to explain to me that when we come into this world we choose lessons and experiences to advance our soul.  He continued to tell me that most people choose one or two things that they would like to focus on. He then informed me that I had decided this was the last time I was coming here and I had checked off everything on the list. I vividly remember him looking at me and saying, “You have picked one hell of a life for yourself!  Let me know how that all works out for you”.  I think about that often as I maneuver through one trauma after another.  I very often question what the hell I was thinking when I was checking everything off that list!  I try to find peace in the fact that I am suppose to go through all of these trauma’s so that I can help others.  I think I have finally learned to accept the fact that life is not perfect and in spite of that I can still find happiness and peace!

So now I am on a NEW mission.  I am on a mission to support, encourage and assist people in taking back their power!  I want to help people to realize that they are truly wonderful amazing souls who deserve all the happiness and peace possible!  I want to help shift this world one person at a time!  Remember positivity is as contagious as negativity!  So let’s start an epidemic together!  Let’s start an epidemic of positivity!

Just for today take a moment to look at your soul!Take a moment today to look beyond what you see in the mirror, beyond what surrounds you, look within.

Just for today remember that your circumstances do NOT define you as a person. Know that you are a wonderful, amazing, loving and  powerful soul.

Just for today allow yourself to be surrounded in peace! Surround yourself with positive people, places and experiences,

If you feel inspired share this with someone else!
Let’s get this epidemic of positivity going!