(910) 444-2229

A couple of months ago I was thinking about what article I would write for the month of March as I would be celebrating my 19 year in business!  WOW!  What an achievement!  To think it all started with that little meditation group of 5 people in my basement…who knew!  I was excited to think about all the possibilities and topics for my March Blog.  After all, lets face it, 19 years is something to seriously celebrate!

It was a little over a week ago that  I was filming one of my “Morning Thoughts” videos (they are videos I film while driving to work and then I post them on my facebook page) and I was discussing how crazy life can be. I was talking about what a great day it was going to be as that night was the Mardi Gras fundraising event for Paws-ability (ya know the ones who crowned Kyle and I King and Queen).  Kyle and I were so excited about our costumes!  I was in the middle of talking about how for every good thing that happens in our lives there always seems to be something raining on our parade.  I was talking about how we ALL have difficult things going on in our lives and how we have to choose to focus on the positive.  I was talking about how life will always be a balance of the good and bad.  LITERALLY as I was saying that I drove past my shop and saw they had taken the telephone pole down in front of my shop…meaning we would have no power for the day. WHAT?  Seriously here I am, LITERALLY, talking about good and bad things happening and how you just have to find that balance and choose not to let the bad overcome you!  I took that as a sign that my topic got the Universe’s seal of approval…then went ahead and shared the video….LOL  I should of known that the message was not only for everyone watching but a reminder for myself.  Maybe even a heads up about what was about to unfold.

Mardi Gras was absolutely a blast!  They raised a lot of money for a great cause!  Kyle and I had such a great time and we were honored to crown the next King and Queen (we can’t win two years in a row…but no worries we are already planning our costumes for next year)!  The next day was Valentine’s Day and in a few weeks we would be heading to NY for a few days to celebrate my daughters engagement.  Life was awesome.  However, the next morning I was awaken by my beloved dog Princess having another episode (my beautiful little girl was diagnosed with heart disease the day after we moved into our new home the end of Nov…again that balance of good and bad).

The last few months have not been the easiest.  Kyle and I were spending every waking minute with Princess just enjoying her as much as we could as the vet had given her 6 months maybe even a year.  However on Mon Feb 19th I was awoken again to my poor little girl having another horrible episode.

For those of you who consider your pets your family I know you can relate….one of the hardest decisions you ever have to make is that moment you need to decide to put your pet to rest.  It is agonizing and heart wrenching.  I just knew when I looked into her eyes that morning that she needed her time here to be done.  I knew she needed me to love her enough to let her go and I knew I had to find the strength to make the decision that only I could make. Later that night I held her in my arms in a little pink baby blanket that ironically said “I love my mommie”.  As she drifted off I remember thinking to myself ….the most impossible part of this life’s journey is loving enough to let go!

In this life there are many kinds of loss and letting go.  For some it is a loss of a job or relationship, for some it is the loss of the ability to do things they have done before, for some it is the loss of a pet and for others it is the loss of a loved one.  And while society may judge which loss is worst than the other, the truth of the matter is when you are the one experiencing the loss it feels like the absolute worse loss in the world.  I think the hardest part is understanding that in all those moments we need to love enough to let go.  When it is a job, bad relationship, loss of ability, etc we need to love ourselves enough to accept the loss and keep moving forward.  When it is the loss of a loved one (no matter who it is) sometimes we need to just find the strength to love them enough to let them go.

I know in my heart that EVERYONE who crossed over is around us!  In all the years I have been doing readings I have not only had people come through but many pets!  Yes!  I have had dogs, cats, rabbits, horses and even someones pet pig come through in a reading!  I know my beautiful little girl is okay and around me.  God knows she has sent enough signs in the last few days!  That doesn’t mean that the tears have stopped flowing.  It doesn’t mean that my heart doesn’t  literally ache every time I come through the door at night and realize she will not longer be running out to greet me or kicking me in the middle of the night cause she wants more space on the bed!

So I guess at the end of the day it is all about growth.  We grow through the experiences we have.  We grow by the understanding that comes from all those experiences we have.  We grow by understanding that life is always about gracefully moving through both the good and the bad.   And at the end of the day, life is about celebrating, grieving and growing!

I dedicate this blog to my beautiful little girl, Princess. There are just no words to explain how this tiny little girl impacted my world in such a wonderful way!  Princess…you will live in my heart and memories forever.