(910) 444-2229
  • Aug 2008 DH Canvas

Native Americans use the Medicine Wheel which symbolizes the individual journey we must take to find our own path.    There are Four Cardinal Directions and the Four Sacred Colors within the Medicine Wheel.  The Circle represents the Circle of Life and the Center of the Circle, the Eternal Fire. The Fall or Autumn is located in the West.  It symbolizes the final harvest, the end of Life’s Cycle.

I have always viewed the Fall as a perfect time for letting go of things that no longer serve you.  A wonderful time for letting go of bad habits, bad behavior and situations that are no longer for your highest good.  You can also use this time to evaluate what things in your life are not working.  Do not focus on them, just simply acknowledge the things you would like to let go of and let the universe do the rest.

Here is a simple but effective meditation technique you can do to assist you in your “letting go”.  Sit in a quiet comfortable place where you will not be interrupted.  Close your eyes and take some nice deep relaxing breathes.  Picture each person, situation or issue you need to let go of.  Picture them one at a time and see them being placed around you, creating a circle with you in the center.  See yourself growing larger and larger until all the people, situations or issues around you are nothing but little dots.  Feel the power you now have over these situations and how they can no longer affect you.  See yourself sweeping them up with a broom and placing them in a box.  Imagine and angel that comes and takes your box from you.  Release this box to the angel, knowing that you no longer have to focus on these people, situations, or issues; all you need to do is be willing and open to letting go of them.  Take one last breathe, open your eyes and feel your new sense of peace, knowing everything is being taken care of.

Happy Letting Go!

And remember, you “create your reality”!