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Here we are in 2017!  I always love the beginning of a new year!  We all start with a fresh slate. We are all full of hope, goals and dreams.  Yeah us!  Unfortunately the truth of the matter is that 92% of people will not achieve their goals!  How sad is that!  PLEASE do not allow yourself to be in that 92%! You are so much more powerful than that!  You just need to understand how to navigate through the blocks that keep you from accomplishing your goals!   In this blog I am going to address what I feel is one of the biggest reasons people do not achieve their goals!  Any guesses?  Well the answer, according to me, is ANGER!

I have written about Anger before.  I have used Anger in my own life to push me forward.  One example I have used many many times is when people (the negative Nellie’s…as I like to call them) tell me “you can’t do that” or “that will NEVER work”.  When that happens I get really angry as I don’t understand why people aren’t smart enough or respectful enough to keep their negativity to themselves. BUT I have learned to use that anger in a positive way.  I use the anger to keep me going when I feel like giving up!  However, today I am talking about people who use anger in a different way…a negative way.

I have watched time and time again as people allow hanging onto anger to become more important than letting go and moving forward towards their goals.  I am here to tell you that you can NOT create from a space of anger!  You can NOT manifest from a space of anger! It shocks me how people hang onto the “but they” and “you don’t understand” and “it isn’t fair” and “I can’t until that person pays for what they have done”. REALLY? REALLY!

You are not going to like this but if you do not want to be in that 92% you need to wake up and smell reality!  The reality is that life IS all about energy. You can not surround yourself with positive energy if all your time is going to feeding your anger.  It is like trying to park two cars in a one car garage…it ain’t gonna work!

So…is what happened to you fair? NO!  Is what that person did okay? NO!  Should that person just be let off the hook? NO! That is not what this is about.  This is about YOU deciding that manifesting what you want is more important than staying in the energy of what someone else did or didn’t do!

For those of you who were with me through my saga from 2008 till 2013 you know what I went through with my house in NY, the bank, the lawyers and all the other crap that took over my life.  Was it fair? Hell NO!  Did I want a fair outcome? YES!  Did I get one?  Well I guess that all depends on how you look at it. From a legal perspective, NO I did not!  However, from a life, living my dreams and creating the life I truly wanted….YES!  And ya know what, it all happened because I let go of the anger, asked myself what does my dream life look like and I started putting my energy towards creating those dreams! I let go and I moved on!

So ask yourself “what am I angry about”?  Then ask yourself the most important question “what is more important… the anger or accomplishing my goals”?

2017 is a 1 year! It is all about new beginnings and focusing on ONE …YOU!  Are you ready, willing and able to receive all 2017 has to offer you or will you choose to stay stuck in the old energy of anger?