(910) 444-2229

Let’s face it…the world has gone insane!  There is this constant daily undertone of anger, sadness and frustration.  People have lost the ability to respect each other and God forbid someone has an opinion! So now what?  How do you stay sane in an INSANE world?  It is actually a lot easier than you think!

Here are tips that I use on an everyday basis:

ONE:  I wake up every morning and surround myself with a white bubble of light.  It is my reminder that I do not need to absorb any of the anger, sadness or frustration of others.

TWO:  When I find myself dealing with a difficult situation or person I ask myself…is this person or situation having a positive effect on my life?  If they are not or if the situation is not having a positive effect I can no allow myself to focus on it.  I CHOOSE to only focus on that which adds to my life in a positive way.

THREE:  When people are nasty, rude, insulting (as they seem to be a lot more than ever before) I remind myself to NOT TAKE IT PERSONALLY.  Then I ask myself…is this person someone I admire or I strive to be like?  If not I can not place value on what they have said to me.

FOUR:  I remind myself on a daily basis that agreeing with someone and respecting someone are two totally different things.  I do not need to agree with everyone BUT I do need to respect everyone!

FIVE:  At the end of the night, before I go to sleep, I take a moment to imagine little threads of energy going to all the people I have come in contact with throughout my day.  I close my eyes and imagine sweeping away all those energy connections so I can go into my sleep time relaxed.

BONUS:  If all else fails I remind myself that the only person I have the right to change is myself. So on the really tough days I take a step back and instead of focusing on what is wrong with everything in the world I ask myself….what can I change about me to be more at peace?

peaceRemember…peace comes from within.