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I have always tried to be inspiring and uplifting.  In fact, I have shared a lot about my own personal and private life in order to show you that I don’t just believe in what I do…I actually live it!  This post is going to have a very different tone as I find myself extremely disgusted and disillusioned of late.

For those of you who do not live in the Northeast, let me fill you in.  In one week we had an earthquake and a hurricane (well technically when the storm hit it was a tropical storm and not a hurricane).  The damage this storm caused was unbelievable!  Many towns were just devastated.  People were without power for over a week and even as I am writing this there are still people without power!  As with any wrath of mother nature, people lost their homes, businesses, all their personal belongings, etc.  The damage to roads, train tracks, and bridges was something we have never seen in this area.  I need to pause here for a moment to sincerely send out my deepest sympathies to all who lost so much!  It is one thing when you see this stuff on TV but when you see it with your own eyes it is beyond comprehension.  Now my town did okay.  Few fallen trees, power was out, and roads closed due to flooding. It is what occurred after the storm that has me beyond speechless.

The day of the hurricane I had my own trauma (shocking I know).  I had been bitten by something while sleeping and woke up with what I thought was a mosquito bite.  Long story short a few hours later it was clear that it was much more.  The size of the bite area was expanding by the minute and traveling up my arm, I had tingling in my fingers and my arm felt hot and heavy.  Off to the ER, I went.  One steroid shot and a prescription for a strong antibiotic and off I went.  Now those of you who know me KNOW I do not take antibiotics unless absolutely necessary because antibiotics and I just do not get along very well.  Basically, I was on my butt for 7 days. I was just too drugged up and nauseous to do anything.  I lost a week of work (which in this economy we can all relate to how horrible THAT is).  However, I didn’t freak out about it. I have a friend of mine who always says, “It is what it is”.  I took the week to rest and didn’t get caught up in all of the things I “should have” been doing.  PS, I am fine now and back to my ridiculously hyper self:)

It was at the ER that my present frustration and disillusionment began.  While waiting my turn I overheard the woman on the cell phone next to me (actually the entire TOWN could have heard her).  Keep in mind this was the DAY the storm hit.  She was going on and on about what an inconvenience this was and how they “better” get her power back on and how it took her an extra 10 mins to get where she was going because the roads were closed.  I don’t know if I just started noticing it more from that point on or what but everywhere I went I heard people who were irate about not having electricity, they had to throw their food out, and it took them an extra hour to get to work, they had no cell service and on and on and on.  I couldn’t help but think to myself, “Are you people out of your frigen minds?  People lost their homes, businesses, and everything they own, entire towns have been destroyed and you are bitching about some minor inconveniences!”  Seriously what the hell (yes I said it) is wrong with this country?  Are we so self-absorbed that we are completely clueless about what is going on around us and to the people around us?

I am not trying to be all doom and gloom because there is always hope in every situation but here I go.  We need to wake up in this country!  I have a big news flash….this whole economic nightmare is JUST the beginning!  Mark my words….we haven’t seen anything yet!  We have not even gotten to the worst of it.  The things that will be unfolding over the next few years will rock this country in a way you can not even imagine.  Again I don’t say that to scare anyone.  I say that because we need to wake up and we need to wake up now!  Companies are firing people and then rehiring them at half their salary.  Banks are stealing houses out from under people and foreclosing on them.  If that is not bad enough they are now starting to BULLDOZE those houses because there are so many foreclosures they don’t know what to do with all the houses they are taking.  Don’t believe me…look it up! Cities don’t have enough police officers because of budget cuts and as a result, crime is on the rise.  And need I even mention the weather….. tornados, hurricanes, earthquakes, fires that rage beyond control, etc.  AGAIN I am not trying to be doom and gloom.  I am trying to wake people up.

Here is the deal.  If you have a home be happy you still have it and haven’t lost it to the bank, a flood, or some other natural disaster  (there are so many homes in foreclosure that in NY alone it would take the banks 62 YEARS to foreclose on them all)!  If you have to commute an extra hour or two to work because of closed roads, be thankful that you even have a job to drive to as currently over 14 MILLION people are out of work (that figure is as of Aug 2011).  If you have to wait at your doctor’s office be thankful you have health insurance because currently, 50 MILLION people have NO health insurance, and another 25 MILLION are underinsured!  Am I making my point?  And if you are reading this thinking “There is no way those figures are right…get on your computer and do some research!

We need to start taking an active role in our lives and stop waiting for someone else to tell us what to do.  We need to start working with our neighbors, friends, and co-workers as a team.  We need to stop whining about all the unimportant things in life and we need to start counting our blessings no matter how small they may seem.  We need to have some patience and understanding with the people around us.  We need to stop throwing a fit about every little thing.  We need to stop this entitlement disease that we all seem to suffer from.  We need to wake up!

I have said this a million times and I am going to say it again……every morning when you wake up you have the choice to be part of the problem or part of the solution!  Which do you choose?  I like many of you am going through some incredibly tough times BUT I have to tell you that I truly am the happiest I have ever been!  How? Why?  It is very simple…I am refusing to allow my circumstances to affect my experiences (I know I have said that before too)! I hope that the next time you have to deal with someone who is being nasty you will consider what they may be going through and instead of attacking them give them a smile or some inspiring words.  I hope the next time you go to whine about something you will think about all of those who are suffering so terribly right now.  I hope that you will make an effort, no matter what you are going through, to look for all the blessings in your life no matter how small!

Life is not easy.  We have many challenges, traumas, and downright horrible stuff we need to deal with sometimes.  It is not a punishment or a curse.  It is just a part of life.  I know in my soul that we can survive these times but I also know we need to come together and we need to come together NOW!  If I had a magic wand I would fix all the problems of the world but of course, I do not.  So for now all I can do is continue to share what I see, inspire people to be the best they can and comfort those who are truly suffering.