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As I move through yet another huge transition in my life I have been doing a lot of thinking about many things. I thought this month I would just share some of my random thoughts with you:)

The Grass Isn’t Greener on the other side

I have been thinking a lot about how we perceive each other and how there is this illusion that everyone else has it easier or has some kinda secret we don’t. Β Truth is you should never wish to have someone else’s life because you have NO idea what is really going on behind the scenes. Β I think we need to spent less time focusing on what we “think” others have. Instead we need to focus more on making our own dreams a reality! Trust me the grass is NOT always greener on the other side! Don’t wish for someone else’s life. Β Instead focus on creating a plan to live the life YOU want!


The other day someone told me how lucky I am and how wonderful it must be to be me (if they only knew….lol). Β I have been hearing the “lucky” word a LOT lately and I have to tell you I am honestly starting to hate the word. Β I have dedicated my life to helping people. Β A huge part of that is making people realize how powerful they are and how THEY can change their lives the moment they decide to. Β If you believe life is all about “luck” then you are giving all of your power away. Β If you believe it is just “luck” then why bother doing anything? Β That is why I am hating that word!

Life is about choices….sometimes very difficult choices that bring you to your knees! Β I am sorry but luck has nothing to do with it. If you want to change your life you need to be willing to let go of what is NOT working, have the courage to work through the fear of what may lie ahead, you need to work hard, you need to stay focused and you need to remove failure from your vocabulary!

The Gossip Mill

I have always tried to be as open as possible about my life. Β I do not think I can inspire you if I am pretending to be something I am not. I hurt, I fail (more about failure later), I cry, I get up and I try again. Β In 2009 I wrote an article called “What you don’t know about me”. Β That article was the most personal and most difficult article I have ever written! Β I not only shared the mostΒ vulnerableΒ parts of my life but I threw myself out there knowing full well that many would judge me for my failures (a word I have now removed from my vocabulary). Β However, my belief that sharing my story would help some was more important than my fear of being judged. Β I believe with every cell in my being that I am here to help others even if that means sometimes throwing myself under the bus!

Now we are in 2013 and as I transition into my new life I am so overwhelmed by the support, encouragement and love I am receiving from so many (THANK YOU all from the bottom of my heart)!! Β Of course, as always, there are those out there that for whatever reason are so miserable with their own lives that they love to gossip about others. Β I have always tried to stay away from gossip as I think it is beyond negative. Β Besides I have no time to talk about and judge others as I am busy running my own life (and trust me, it is a LOT of work being me…lol)! BUT I can not stop the gossip mill so let me at least make their lives easier. Β Yes, I am moving! Β No I am not selling my house. Β Those of you who follow me have no doubt followed my 3 YEAR saga with my bank. Β After 3 years of court battles, lawyers, legal fee’s, a house horribly underwater, three mortgage increases and stress that I can not even explain in words… I have decided to let the bank take the house. Β It is that simple. There now what will the gossiper’s talk about?


Someone asked me the other day why I share such personal stuff about my life. Β My answer, “how can I inspire you to move beyond fear, encourage you let go of what is not working and have faith that you WILL be okay without sharing my own journey”. Β I am not the only one who has gone through the things I have the last few years. Β I have written about this several times. Β There are a million reasons why I ended up where I did. Β A lack of feeling deserving, being stuck in fear, giving my power to others, making bad choices, a million unfair and illegal things that were done to me along the way. Β I could go on and on but it serves no purpose. Β Instead I made the decision to put my life, my health and my life’s purpose first. Β I share because I want to be an example to you. Β I want you to see that no matter what happens to you, no matter what others do to you; Β you can overcome it! I want you to see that I have failed (that darn word again) many times but I get back up and keep going. Β If I can do it so can you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Divine Destiny

Next month I will be sharing the story of how I ended up in Calabash! Β I will share all the details of the signs, guidance from above and how it all miraculously fell into place. Β I know I make it sound so easy but trust me there were a LOT of tears and fears along the way. Β In the end I trusted myself and everything fell into place (with a hell of a lot of support from some amazing people). Β For now I just want to remind you how amazingly awesome you are. Β I want to remind you that you are not defined by your bank account or what you perceive as failures (there is that word again) in your life. Β I want to tell you from personal experience that there is a light at the end of the tunnel. No it is not easy! Β There WILL be fear that will paralyze you at times. Β There WILL be self-doubt. Β There will be days where all hope is lost. Β BUT there will also be that moment when the clouds lift and you start to see the sun shining back in your life. Β For me it has been a very LONG and stressful 5 years and the last 3 have been beyond unbearable at times. Β Through it all I have tried to keep a positiveΒ attitude, Β keep the meltdowns to a minimum and remind myself that when the universe takes something away it ALWAYS replaces it with something better!

Speaking of failure

I have personally decided to take the word “FAILURE” out of my vocabulary. Β When things don’t work out it is simply a sign that you need to readjust your plan and make a different choice. Β So I encourage you to not get stuck in what you perceive as failures in your life. Β Instead look at them as road bumps (okay sometimes craters) but regardless you can get past them. I say again, Β Life is about choices….sometimes very difficult choices that bring you to your knees! Β I am sorry but luck has nothing to do with it. If you want to change your life you need to be willing to let go of what is NOT working, have the courage to work through the fear of what may lie ahead, you need to work hard, you need to stay focused and you need to remove failure from your vocabulary! Β