(910) 444-2229

It is time!  It is time to free yourself from the worries and concerns that have consumed your life. Why?  Because all of your worrying has not changed anything.  It is time to stop listening to that analytical mind that keeps telling you that you need to find a solution.  Instead you need to trust your intuition, your soul voice, that keeps telling you it will be okay.  You need to understand that your analytical mind is very limited as it can only choose from solutions that are in front of it.  However, your intuition, your soul voice, knows about solutions that your analytic mind can not even comprehend.  It is time to take the leap of faith and know that the Universe is there to support you.  It responds to what you focus on.  Stop focusing on the problem.  Stop focusing on the solution.  Instead you must focus on what you would like the outcome to be.

This part of the shift is complete.  We are now in a new vibrational energy. You must commit to staying in the higher vibration.  How do you do that?  It is very simple.  You need to stay in hope, happiness, peace and a place of joy.  When you are angry, depressed and feeling hopeless you allow yourself to shift to a lower vibrational energy.  You continue to attract more of what you don’t want!  Free yourself!  Take a walk outside, call a friend, look at uplifting pictures or read an inspirational book.  It is that simple to raise your vibration!  CHOOSE to stay in a place of hope!  You are THE ONLY ONE who can change your life!

Make a commitment to yourself today, right now in this moment.  Commit to freeing yourself of worry. Free yourself from beating yourself up about things you cannot change.  Listen to your soul. It is wise.  It sees and knows things you do not.  Trust it!  You can take a million classes and read a million books  but if you are not willing to apply what you have learned your life will never change!  You ARE the captain of your ship!  I have said it a million times and I will continue to say it until everyone is living the life they deserve……”you can’t not always control what happens to you BUT you can ALWAYS control how you respond to it”!  Don’t be the victim be the victor!  Don’t become your story.  Instead write a new story!  Free yourself and allow yourself to be all that you can be…now…today…in this moment!