(910) 444-2229

Meditation is the key to everything…reducing stress, sleeping better, improving your health, improving your quality of life, finding the answers within, expanding your intuitiveness,and of course moving foward on your spiritual path.

How to meditate

  • Find a quiet area where you will not be interrupted (it is better to have 5 uninterrupted minutes of meditation then 1 hour filled with distractions).
  • Find a comfortable place to sit. It is better to sit with feet flat on the floor with palms of your hands facing up.
  • Take deep cleansing breaths. Always breathe IN through the nose and OUT through the mouth (sometimes it is helpful to keep your hands on your stomach to make sure you are taking those deep breaths).
  • Visualize yourself breathing IN white light and breathing OUT gray mist.
  • Slowly bring this white light down over your head and through your entire body until you reach your feet.
  • It is very important to keep your mind clear. Remember to focus on your breathe. If you find yourself becoming distracted or if you find your mind wandering, focus on your breathing.
  • Ask your angels and guides to be with you.
  • Keep a journal so you can write down everything you experince (no matter how insignificant it may seem).
  • Don’t question or analyze what you see. JUST EXPERIENCE.
  • Start off slow. Set aside a few minutes once or twice a week (don’t expect to meditate an hour a day, everyday – you will only frustrate yourself).
  • Practice…Practice…Practice…The more you meditate the more you will experience
  • Patience…Patience…Patience… Relax and enjoy the experience.
Remember EVERYONE CAN LEARN TO MEDITATE! So give it a try.
Purchase on of Lisa Ann’s Guided Meditation CD’s!